siren_song.gif“The Siren Song” picks up where the “Shadow Thieves” left off. Charlotte Mielswetzski and her cousin are still recovering from saving the world from an evil demigod named Philonecron. To make matters worse, Charlotte has been grounded by her parents and forced into therapy because she won’t tell them why she was out all night, and Zee, well, he just isn’t himself. Now it looks like Philonecron isn’t finished with the two cousins, and this time he’s enlisted a powerful relative to help him carry out his nefarious plans. This book mainly focuses on Charlotte because Zee is out of the picture for most of it. She winds up not only battling her parents, but a powerful Greek deity as well. It’s interesting to see how much Charlotte loves her family and is willing to sacrifice herself for them, even though they drive her crazy. Anne Ursu portrays the Greek gods as possessing the same faults as the humans that they despise.shadow_thieves.gif Charlotte on the other hand, while being only a “measly, worthless human”, always manages to rise to the occasion. Quite often the middle book in a trilogy is the weakest. Not so in this case. I enjoyed “The Siren Song” just as much as its predecessor. I think any lover of the Harry Potter books or the Percy Jackson series, whether they be a child or an adult, will love the Cronus Chronicles.